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Firekeepers Casino Trip

April 20, 2024 @ 10:00 am 6:30 pm

On Saturday, April 20, 2024 we at Father Saylor once again will be holding our annual spring casino trip to Firekeepers. We will be departing the Council at 10:00 am with us returning to the Council around 6:30 pm. This trip as in the past will benefit Fr. Saylor’s MI Program, which helps those who need our help the most. We will be spending approximately 5 hours at the casino before departing for our return trip home. The casino will provide all players with $20.00 in free play and $5.00 to be used for dining or in the gift shop. If you do not have a Player’s Card, the casino will provide one for you at check-in. There will be 50/50’s on the bus along with refreshments and snacks on the way to the casino and on the way back from the casino. As in the past there will also be pizza and salad when we arrive back at the Council.

The sign-up book will be available at the Member’s Lounge and we ask that payment be made at the time of sign up so that we can have an accurate count at least one week prior to our trip. Cost of the trip is $50.00 per person. All checks shall be made out to Father Saylor Knights of Columbus and on the memo line Firekeepers Casino. We are limited to 100 people for the trip.

If you should have any questions, please contact Mark Gaworecki at 313-388-6912 or John Ksiazek at 313-605-4621. So mark down on your calendars Saturday, April 20, 2024 for the annual Firekeepers trip. We can’t wait to see all of you again to enjoy a day at the casino helping those who need our help the most.

Mark Gaworecki and John Ksiazek