This series casts a spotlight on the remarkable Knights of Columbus, everyday heroes whose courage, faith, and dedication to charity embody the organization’s mission. Join us on this inspiring journey and discover how the betterment of our world begins with the individual human heart, impacting every aspect of life, family, faith, and community.
This series casts a spotlight on the remarkable Knights of Columbus, everyday heroes whose courage, faith, and dedication to charity embody the organization’s mission. Join us on this inspiring journey and discover how the betterment of our world begins with the individual human heart, impacting every aspect of life, family, faith, and community.
Knights of Columbus Councils represent the first three principles of the Order. Knights from multiple councils come together to form 4th Degree Assemblies.
Father Saylor Council #3774
17113 Champaign
Allen Park, Michigan 48101
Knights of Columbus Father Saylor Council #3774